Vandal Giving Day 2024 Broke Records! Help Us Keep the Momentum! Click Here.
Support student success. Donate to the Library.

Your gift to the University of Idaho Library is a direct investment in the spaces, resources and services we provide every day. With your help, the library supports student success by enhancing the student experience with innovative and flexible learning and study spaces.  

In 2024, the Library is investing in our students’ creativity by expanding our recording studio. Currently housed in a small, hard-to-find room on the second floor, The Studio provides sound and video recording and editing, including high-quality computers, software, microphones and cameras. It also provides a lightboard and greenscreen to students and faculty. In 2024 we’re excited to bring this necessary and well-used service to a much larger, more visible and easier-to-staff space on the first floor.  

Your donation will help our students and faculty make podcasts, music, videos and presentations for curricular and extracurricular learning using equipment and facilities that would otherwise be completely unavailable to them. 

Your gift during Vandal Giving Day will help us unlock matching gifts provided by the Library Advisory Board and others. These much-needed funds will enable us to build our capacity as Idaho's foremost research library. 

Your financial support allows us to grow, explore and commit to our vision of supporting student success across the curriculum and building a world-class research library for our university community. Thank you!

Library Advisory Board $5,000 Match
We did it! Thank you to the Library Advisory Board and out generous supporters! Go Vandals!
Library Advisory Board 5-$1,000-Gifts Challenge
We did it! Thank you to the Library Advisory Board! Go Vandals!
Early Bird Challenge
Thank you to Kaitlin, Alex, Payton & LeAnn for being our early bird donors!
Library Advisory Board 50-Gift $5,000 Challenge
We did it! Thank you to the Library Advisory Board and our generous supporters! Go Vandals!
50 / 50 Gifts
University of Idaho Foundation $30,000 Challenge
We did it! Thank you, U of I Foundation and outstanding supporters!
1,500 / 1,500 Gifts
Overnighter Challenge
We had a tie! The funds below will get the boost from the U I Foundation. CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment $500 Kootenai County 4-H $250 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) $250
Rank Prize Overnighter Program Challenge Gifts
1 $500 CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment 16
2 $500 Kootenai County 4-H 9
3 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) 9
4 National Model UN - Martin Institute 7
5 Department of Agricultural Education, Leadership & Communications 5
See what people are sharing about Vandal Giving Day 2024!
Vandal Pride Far and Wide!
Rank State Gifts
1 ID 43
2 WA 3
2 CT 3
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