Vandal Giving Day 2024 Broke Records! Help Us Keep the Momentum! Click Here.
McClure Center
McClure Center Undergraduate Student Programs

The McClure Center supports life-changing undergraduate student programs. These applied learning and research experiences focus on local, state, national and international policy, as well as connections with journalism and communications. Your Vandal Giving Day gift directly funds these student programs.

The McClure Center partners with the University of Idaho Martin Institute, Department of Politics and Philosophy and School of Journalism and Mass Media (JAMM) to bring undergraduate students to the capital city. Examples of programs include the Martin-McClure Ambassadorship, McClure Legislative Research Scholars, JAMM-McClure Legislative Internship, Tod Neuenschwander Communications Scholarship and directed research studies. Also, the McClure Center just launched a new immersive program for Vandals to spend a semester in Washington, D.C.

Students gain exposure and first-hand experience in public policy analysis, design and implementation on multiple levels during their semester-long assignments. Through each program, students obtain on-the-ground experience and connect with current policy makers, journalists and professionals in the field. These connections lead to amazing career paths and Vandals making a difference in the world. 

You can learn more about JAMM-McClure Legislative Interns in the video above. 

Thank you!

University of Idaho Foundation $30,000 Challenge
We did it! Thank you, U of I Foundation and outstanding supporters!
1,500 / 1,500 Gifts
Overnighter Challenge
We had a tie! The funds below will get the boost from the U I Foundation. CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment $500 Kootenai County 4-H $250 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) $250
Rank Prize Overnighter Program Challenge Gifts
1 $500 CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment 16
2 $500 Kootenai County 4-H 9
3 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) 9
4 National Model UN - Martin Institute 7
5 Department of Agricultural Education, Leadership & Communications 5
Early Bird Challenge
Thank you to Kaitlin, Alex, Payton & LeAnn for being our early bird donors!
See what people are sharing about Vandal Giving Day 2024!
Vandal Pride Far and Wide!
Rank State Gifts
1 ID 18
2 WA 1
2 UT 1
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