Vandal Giving Day 2024 Broke Records! Help Us Keep the Momentum! Click Here.
Military & Veteran Services
Brave. Bold. Proud of Our Vets.


For some, nothing defines their college experience quite like ROTC. The comradery, memories and culture of the program is something you can't replicate in any other way. It’s an unforgettable experience that can jumpstart cadets into some of the most incredible careers of their lives.

ROTC offers a wide range of possibilities for students, allowing them to get their schooling paid for by serving in the United States military as commissioned officers upon graduation. This opportunity allows students to pursue their dreams no matter how big they may be. 

ROTC builds strength of character and teaches cadets the skills necessary to thrive in a military environment while achieving their dreams and reaching for the stars. 

Help ROTC continue to foster those traits in their cadets by donating today. 

Veteran Programming

Transitioning from the military is hard and, for many, the transition to a university is the next step. Known for supporting our veterans in day-to-day life, the University of Idaho always aims to make our student veterans feel like they’re an important part of our community.

Supporting our veterans is a top priority, and the Military and Veterans Services Office is at the forefront of that. We offer a study space for veterans with access to computers, providing a low-stress environment for vets to get connected and form relationships to help each other manage the jump from military service to academia.

The Military and Veterans Services Office also provides the meeting location for the student-run Vandal Vets Club. The club meets weekly to provide an opportunity for student veterans to meet other like-minded individuals who understand exactly what it means to be a student veteran. They engage in different activities throughout the year, ending with a free annual spring rafting trip. 

But the biggest veteran celebration, and one of the university’s signature events, is on Veterans Day evening with the annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner. The dinner is free to veterans and, most recently, included a speech from Lieutenant General Erik Peterson who graduated from U of I in 1986. 

Supporting our veterans is something we take great pride in. We want them to feel at home and we can’t do that without your help. 

Consider donating today to carry on the legacy of supporting our veterans. 

Operation Education® 

This remarkable assistance program is largely funded locally to support military personnel who sustained permanent disability while serving our nation since Sept. 11, 2001. Spouses and children of qualifying veterans are also eligible for the scholarship.

The transition from military to civilian life can be challenging. We are here so that military veterans and their dependents do not have to face that challenge alone. We work with veterans to achieve success in the classroom, the community and in society by helping them attain a college degree. Whether they pursue a bachelor's, master's or Ph.D., we can help jumpstart the next phase of their lives. 

The University of Idaho recognizes that for many veterans with disabilities, returning to a productive and satisfying life is about more than money. Rather, it is about the need for comprehensive and integrated support. That is why we provide individualized scholarships that address the financial, academic and social challenges that come with reintegrating into civilian life. Our scholarships can assist with tuition, books, fees, on-campus housing, transportation, medical assistance, childcare, adaptive equipment, mentoring and tutoring. We also provide assistance with academic and career planning, networking and internships, and job placement. 

Consider making a gift today to help support those who have sacrificed so much for us.

University of Idaho Foundation $30,000 Challenge
We did it! Thank you, U of I Foundation and outstanding supporters!
1,500 / 1,500 Gifts
Overnighter Challenge
We had a tie! The funds below will get the boost from the U I Foundation. CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment $500 Kootenai County 4-H $250 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) $250
Rank Prize Overnighter Program Challenge Gifts
1 $500 CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment 16
2 $500 Kootenai County 4-H 9
3 Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) 9
4 National Model UN - Martin Institute 7
5 Department of Agricultural Education, Leadership & Communications 5
Early Bird Challenge
Thank you to Kaitlin, Alex, Payton & LeAnn for being our early bird donors!
Vandal Scholarships Leaderboard Challenge
Hooray for scholarships! The top three scholarships that raise the greatest number gifts throughout Vandal Giving Day will receive $1,000 each, courtesy of the University of Idaho Foundation.
Rank Prize Vandal Scholarships Gifts
1 $1,000 Pi Beta Phi Guardian Angel Fund 134
2 $1,000 Vandal Scholarship Fund 106
3 $1,000 CAMP: Si Se Puede Endowment 66
4 Gamma Phi Beta Presidents Fund 41
5 Vandal Promise Scholarships 29
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Vandal Pride, Far and Wide!
Rank State Gifts
1 TX 12
1 WA 12
3 ID 4
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